Concept of Beauty influenced by Social Media

Kanisa U
2 min readOct 27, 2020


Beauty is just what we consider beauty. When we look at people, landscape, object or art, we consider it beautify through our personal filter. It is not only personal but it can also be change over time. Female beauty was constantly changing throughout history, influenced by many factors.

The ancient Greeks believed that woman’s faces are considered beautiful with perfect proportions.

“What is considered a beautiful face is often influenced by what is going on in society.” — Bruce F. Norton, political science professor at American University

The current women’s beauty standard is healthy skinny (skinny but not too skinny), have flat stomach with large beasts and butt.

People edited images not only in magazine, we can see it all over in social media. And as these images become norms, people’s perception of beauty are changing as well.

“We are constantly surrounded by all sorts of media and we construct our identities in part through media images we see,” Cutler remarked.

Body image is a multidimensional construct that refers to one’s perception of and attitudes about the size and shape of one’s body. In modern time, thin ideal images is often seen in advertising products. Not all individuals respond to viewing idealised images in the same way.

Social media are particularly popular among female young adults, a group in which body dissatisfaction is common. The social media platform especially Instagram, which is a popular photo-sharing application, involve interactions and engagements that can change how people internalise beauty ideals.

After I research about beauty and how it different in each culture and country, I took each part of different person to make a collage.

Then I got another idea of asking people of what they want to change in their faces and replace it for them. I found that this way works better when people think that they don’t like what they have, after they see the collage, they found that their original face is good enough.



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